Search Preference Menus New Search Engine Market Share Data from Cloudflare and Wikipedia Two new sources of search engine market share data from Cloudflare and Wikipedia use more accurate methodology.
Search Preference Menus 10 Principles for Fair Choice Screens and Effective Switching Mechanisms Choice screens and effective switching mechanisms are crucial tools that empower users and enable competition in the search engine and browser markets.
Opinion Search Engines Should be Able to Guide Consumers to Search Preference Menus Consumers deserve a competitive search market where the search engines they want are actually “just one click away.”
DuckDuckGo News Open Letter to European Commission: Request for Trilateral Meeting among Google, the EC, and Alternative Search Engines to Improve Search Preference Menu We're calling for a trilateral meeting among Google, the European Commission, and alternative search engines to address the many flaws in Google's preference menu for Android phones in the EU.
Opinion Dear Google: We Agree Search Competition Should Be "Only 1 Click Away" – So Why Is It 15+ on Android? Google claims search competition is “only one click away.” So why does it take fifteen+ clicks to make DuckDuckGo Search or any other alternative the default on Android devices?
Privacy Research As Predicted, Google’s Search Preference Menu Eliminates DuckDuckGo Google's search preference menu auction, as we predicted, has resulted in DuckDuckGo being eliminated, making it harder for people to get simple privacy.
Privacy Research Google Search Mobile Market Share Likely to Drop Around 20% through Search Preference Menus How to increase competition in the search engine market? Our new research shows that 24% of people in the US, 24% in the UK & 17% in Australia would choose a non-Google search engine when given the chance to express their preference on their mobile phones.
Opinion Search Preference Menus: Google Auction Ignores Screen Size and Scrolling New data showing that restricting the number of search engine options in search preference menus is unnecessary and harmful to competition.
Opinion Search Preference Menus: No Auctions Please As Google’s search preference menu for Android goes live in the EU, sadly search options are decided by a Google-designed pay-to-play auction, prioritizing their profits over your choices. Here's why the auction model should be thrown out.
Opinion Search Preference Menus: Improving Choice With Design Google’s search preference menu for the European Union is designed in a way that undercuts the very reason it was created, making it harder than necessary for people to choose a non-Google search engine alternative. We propose user-tested design improvements.
Privacy Research Search Preference Menu Immediately Increases Google Competitors’ Market Share by 300-800% Could a search engine preference menu significantly increase competition in the search market? We conducted research to find out.
Translations Wie zu erwarten war, eliminiert Googles Suchmaschinen-Auswahlmenü DuckDuckGo Die Resultate von Googles Auktion zum Suchmaschinen-Auswahlmenü für Q4 2020 sind veröffentlicht und, wie durch uns vorhergesagt, wurde DuckDuckGo in den meisten Ländern eliminiert.
Translations Comme prévu, le mécanisme d’enchères de Google élimine DuckDuckGo Le résultat des enchères du 4e trimestre 2020 sur le menu de préférence de Google pour les moteurs de recherche a été publié. Comme nous l’avions prédit (voir notre article précédent, en anglais), DuckDuckGo a été éliminé dans la plupart des pays.