Author: Mahmoud Ghorbel

Mahmoud is a PhD researcher in machine learning. He also holds a bachelor's degree in physical science and a master's degree in telecommunications and networking systems. His current areas of research concern computer vision, stock market prediction and deep learning. He produced several scientific articles about person re- identification and the study of the robustness and stability of deep networks.

How Can We Efficiently Distinguish Facial Images Without Reconstruction? Check Out This Novel AI Approach Leveraging Emotion Matching in FER Datasets

Research focuses on categorizing human facial images by emotions through facial expression recognition (FER) using powerful deep neural networks (DNNs). However, accurately classifying unlearned...

This AI Paper Unveils an Enhanced CycleGAN Approach for Robust Person Re-identification Across Varied Camera Styles

Person re-identification (ReID) aims to identify individuals across multiple non-overlapping cameras. The challenge of obtaining comprehensive datasets has driven the need for data augmentation,...

How Does Image Anonymization Impact Computer Vision Performance? Exploring Traditional vs. Realistic Anonymization Techniques

Image anonymization involves altering visual data to protect individuals' privacy by obscuring identifiable features. As the digital age advances, there's an increasing need to...

How Can We Mitigate Background-Induced Bias in Fine-Grained Image Classification? A Comparative Study of Masking Strategies and Model Architectures

Fine-grained image categorization delves into distinguishing closely related subclasses within a broader category. For example, instead of merely identifying an image as a "bird,"...

Automatic Music Generation Using Deep Learning

Historically, music has served as a powerful indicator of human artistic endeavor. Currently, the confluence of traditional musical constructs and computational methodologies is particularly...

Can AI Truly Restore Facial Details from Low-Quality Images? Meet DAEFR: A Dual-Branch Framework for Enhanced Quality

In the field of image processing, recovering high-definition information from poor facial photographs is still a difficult task. Due to the numerous degradations these...

This AI Paper Identifies Popular Dynamics in Behavioral and Physiological Smartphone Authentication and their Performance with Various Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms

Over the years, mobile devices have seen significant advancements in functionality and popularity, while security measures have not kept pace. Smartphones now hold immense...

This AI Research Proposes Strip-Cutmix: A Data Augmentation Method that is more Suitable for Person Re-Identification

In computer vision, person re-identification is a vital pursuit in today's interconnected world. It involves the challenging task of identifying individuals across different camera...

Unmasking Deepfakes: Leveraging Head Pose Estimation Patterns for Enhanced Detection Accuracy

The emergence of the ability to produce "fake" videos has sparked significant worries regarding the trustworthiness of visual content. Distinguishing between authentic and counterfeit...

Advancing Human Action Recognition in Virtual Reality: This AI Paper Introduces LKA-GCN with Skeleton Large Kernel Attention for Unmatched Performance

Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition is a computer vision field that identifies human actions by analyzing skeletal joint positions from video data. It uses machine...

Researchers from China Propose a Data Augmentation Approach CarveMix for Brain Lesion Segmentation

Automated brain lesion segmentation using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has become a valuable clinical diagnosis and research tool. However, CNN-based approaches still face challenges...

This Artificial Intelligence Paper Presents an Advanced Method for Differential Privacy in Image Recognition with Better Accuracy

Machine learning has increased considerably in several areas due to its performance in recent years. Thanks to modern computers' computing capacity and graphics cards,...